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Monday 5 December 2011

e is for fabled electricity

yesterday i saved the British economy today i'm going to save the would from global warming with e for electricity. the government encourages us to become micro power plants with the Feed-In Tariffs before quickie changing the rules. but i can't help noticing the lack of public owned building generating there own power and sell the extra to the grid. are school not a grate place to start large building with large roof space which are empty in the hight of summer is there a good reason why we are not covering them with sola-panels which will pay for themselves and then keep on paying? and what about the libraries,council offices, prisons. courts, should will not demand this building start making some money when there is an ethical way for them to do so? and just in cases you don't buy the global warming thing this will help bring down your energy bill no-matter what you believer

just too remind you i'm not an expert and this is just an opinion
now go buy one of my mugs

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